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Mr. & Mrs. Metzler

Got Married

Our Story

Our Story


''Once Upon a Time''


Once upon a time on a chilly Saturday night back in 2012 Cupid brought Gabi & Roland together, and they met for the first time at a live music venue in Sofia, Bulgaria. With a wink and a smile, they exchanged their phone numbers, and already on the next day, Roland’s heart gave the order to contact Gabi. They agreed to meet for a dinner. Roland organized the restaurant and Gabi made sure that she looked pretty and elegant. However, like in Cinderella's story, Gabi broke her heel and lost her shoe right before they entered the beautiful restaurant where they were supposed to have dinner.

''Prince Charming'' carried her in his arms to the car in the snow and brought her safely home. After that night, they met each other a couple of more times, however, soon after Gabi decided to move to New York City. Roland accepted these circumstances, and suddenly these two hearts had fallen apart from the separation. After that, however, the curiosity and the tension became restlessness and Prince Charming couldn’t resist. Therefore, two years later, the burning flame made Roland sit on a plane and travel to New York City to visit Gabi.

Back then, both were very hesitant and intriguing, and even though they felt the love in their hearts, they were not ready yet for further steps. Roland wanted to live in Europe and Gabi wanted to live in the US. For this reason, both went different ways and decided to experience life. As life went on, however, and despite being out of contact for years, Cupid decided to interfere once again in their lives. This time, the memories of the few moments these two loved ones spent together made Gabriela search for Roland. Gabriela was confused but curious once again to see what Prince Charming was doing. Said and done, she decided to text him. Roland read the message and after multiple tries to get in contact with her, he finally reached out to Gabi and spoke to her. And it was done. Cupid was able to bring these two people once again back together. The decision to try and start again (but this time) a long-distance relationship was made soon after. Their love grew stronger each passing day and made them realize that they were destined to spend their lives together as their souls did not want to live separately anymore.


''Distance will tell you the real meaning of closeness''​


During this time, their long-distance relationship endured many obstacles, including a worldwide pandemic that kept them separately on two continents for six months due to the closure of the borders. But nothing was strong enough, and nothing really allowed this love to be interrupted. And the simple reason was that these two hearts could not beat without each other anymore despite the fact of living on different continents. The love itself was never in question, and they never doubted that the two of them belonged together. Roland proposed to Gabi in Zermatt on Dec. 31st, 2020, and she was glowing with happiness and said ‘’yes, I do want to marry you’.


''Once Upon a Time... is Now''


Today they finally live together and love each other more than ever and decided to unite their love in marriage.
After sharing our story, we are so excited for you to join us, and we joyfully invite you to share in our happiness as we say "I do" at our destination wedding in August 2022. See you soon!

''Love quotes inspired by our love story''

Once upon a time, you were my weakness, but now a constant source of motivation.

When you see the good in someone, you don't give up on them , especially if they don't see it themselves. And if you are ever lucky enough to find true love, you fight for it, everyday.

True love doesn't need proof and it is inexhaustible. The more you give, the more you have. Love has no meaning if it isn't shared. We have been created for greater things - to love and to be loved. Small things, done in great love, bring joy and peace. To love, it is necessary to give. To give, it is necessary to be free from selfishness.  

Image by Luigi Pozzoli

Wedding photos & Videos 

Our Love Story

Image by Luigi Pozzoli

Wedding photos & Videos 

Our Love Story


Reflektion - Roland Metzler

Miteinander vertraut werden:

Seit du da bist, ist mein Leben weiter. Als ob einer die Decke weggenommen hätte, die über meinem Leben lag. Die Sonne scheint anders auf mich und der Boden unter meinen Füssen fühlt sich neu an, realer. Ich lächle, wenn ich an dich denke. Dein Bild in mir tut mir gut.
Seit du da bist, bin ich sorgsamer mit meinem Leben. Es ist kostbar geworden durch deine Liebe. Ich möchte nicht, dass du traurig wirst, schon gar nicht um meinetwillen.
Seit du da bist, verstehe ich die alten Geschichten von Liebe und Schmerz, von Glück und Sehnsucht ganz anders. Als ob sie ein Teil meiner selbst wären.
Seit du da bist, ist das Beste in mir erwacht und
beginnt mich umzugestalten.
Nun weiss ich, was es heisst zu leben und zu lieben.

Hochzeitsrede - Gabriela Metzler


Wie jedes andere junge Mädchen, das aufwächst und über den Mann ihrer Träume fantasiert, hatte auch ich den Traum, einen Mann zu heiraten, der mich lieben und sich um mich kümmern wird, genau wie mein Vater.  Ich war überglücklich an dem Tag, als ich dich gefunden habe, Roland.  Dann begann meine lange Reise der geschätzten Momente mit dem liebevollsten Mann!  Ich sage dir das nicht oft, aber vertrau mir, du bist das Beste, was mir passiert ist, und ich liebe es einfach, deine Frau zu sein.  Eigentlich bin ich stolz darauf, deine Frau zu sein, denn du bist derjenige, die mich jedes Jahr, jeden Monat und jeden Tag mit deiner selbstlosen Liebe zu mir und mit deiner Fähigkeit, jede Situation positiv zu meistern, überrascht.


Was ich gelernt habe, ist, dass es bei der Ehe nicht nur darum geht, das Richtige zu finden, sondern vielmehr um die Fähigkeit beider Partner, sich aufeinander einzustellen und dann die Dinge perfekt zu machen.


Danke für all die Liebe und Unterstützung, die du mir gegeben hast.  Darauf stoßen wir an und wünsche mir, dass noch viele weitere schöne Momente erleben.  Ich liebe dich Roland und werde es immer tun.  Mein Leben ist in der Tat unvollständig ohne dich und danke, dass du mich zu deiner besseren Hälfte gewählt hast.  


"I should've listened to my heart. No matter how hard I've tried to push you away, everything leads back to you. My thoughts, the way heart flutters rapidly and the emotions I feel when you're around. Everything. What I'm trying to say is...I choose you.".

The Venue

The Venues

Image by Aivene Cheong


Inex Olgica Hotel & Spa Macedonia

Inex Olgica Hotel & Spa is a unique resort with half a century-long history. It is located right on Lake Ohrid shore, next to the road to Sv. Naum Monastery, at only 4 km from the centrum of Ohrid and 12 km from the main airport.

The restaurant consisting of the Main Restaurant and National Restaurant offers 350-seats and panoramic Lake views making it suitable for any occasion such as celebration, business meeting, negotiations, cocktail party, family celebration, etc.


“We simply put the smile back on your face”

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Das Restaurant mit Seeterrasse zum Bodensee ist ein überaus beliebter Treffpunkt direkt an der Seepromenade von Friedrichshafen.

The Team

Meet  The team


Digital Box Production


Digital Box offers you the perfect solutions for Video Production, Photography, Web Development, Web Design, Corporate Branding, Digital Business Card, Logos, Banners, Flyers, Stationery Design.

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is a music organization whose goal is to bring classical music closer to the widest audience. The basic idea is that classical music should be widely available and not intended for a selected audience only. The music organization consist: string quartet and trio, string sextet, solo violin, duo violin and piano / cello and orchestra.
Plamenka Trajkovska - small chamber ensembles realize proper musical program at concerts and events with open and closed character.
The music program consists of classical music, classical crossover music and a complete entertainment program with popular compositions in modern music genres.


Franky und Amigos

Tanzband und Partyband


Das Bandprojekt...
...besteht bereits seit April 1999. Durch ein variables Konzept wird die Band so ziemlich vielen Veranstaltungsarten gerecht

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Arija Band 

Arija (in Macedonian Cyrillic: Арија Бенд) is a Macedonian popular music group. The band consists of seven members, including Filip Pesevski, Zdravko Angelov, Nikola Avtovski, Blagoja Perunovski, Stavre Stavrev,Goran Miloskovski and Juliana Nikolovska.





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